Saturday, September 10, 2011

Whitney's WHS Graduation 2011

Our darling, intelligent, daughter, graduated from WHS June 10, 2011. Fun times!!! She loved WHS & also graduated from WVC with her AA. The other day she said "Mom, I was going to college before I got my driver's license". I hadn't thought of it like that. She loves school...she loves to learn (thank goodness). So proud of you, Whitney!!! You've worked really hard these last 2 years. I also have to say thank you to a couple wonderful WHS teachers...Mr. Dan Jackson (choir) & Mr. Alexander (math). Just a couple teachers who really made a difference in the life of a high school student.
Austin sure is proud of his big sis!!!

I think this photo below is so cute. They look so genuinely happy. Great smiles :)

Once again, thank you MaKey & Poppa for taking the time to attend graduation. I know they are still in shock that their two oldest granddaughters graduated this year. Before we know it they'll be attending college graduations! For journaling purposes - MaKey & Poppa graduated from WHS in 1967, Preston - 1980, Marnie - 1987 & now Whitney - 2011.

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