Friday, January 28, 2011

And now for something not so warm and fuzzy....

And what might that be, pray tell? Why, kidney stones, of course. Yes, I'm the proud father of another one of those little buggers. But before I go too far and tell you how I got rid of it I've got to give a shout-out to my brother-in-law, John Gillett, who recently birthed several stones. I have no doubt he experienced more pain and agony than I have or ever hope to. John, I salute you!

What are kidney stones?

The kidneys produce urine by filtering minerals and metabolites from the circulatory system. Normally, these minerals simply dissolve in the urine, but they can sometimes crystalize and aggregate to form a solid mass that attaches to the kidney wall. Kidney stones can be microscopic, or as large as a golf ball.

The most common type of stone (and BTW, men are more predisposed to get them than women) is calcium oxalate, a chemical compound made up of calcium, carbon and oxygen. It forms needle-shaped crystals, and is responsible for about 80 percent of kidney stones. While it was formerly thought that a low-calcium diet might inhibit the formation of these stones, the reverse appears to be true. Calcium binds to oxalate in the digestive tract, meaning that there is less oxalate available to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Less calcium means more oxalate is filtered by the kidneys, and it may then bind with calcium in the urinary tract, causing kidney stones. Oxalate naturally occurs in high amounts in some foods, such as chocolate, sweet potatoes, spinach and beets - mostly stuff that tastes good or is good for you. But enough science...
My history of stones

While I'm obviously more susceptible to getting kidney stone I'm nowhere near as bad some folks who get several each year - thank goodness. I got my first one back in 1984, a year or so after getting home from my mission. At the time I had no idea what the symptoms meant but I remember waking up in the morning with back pain (lower flank) that just wouldn't go away. I also had blood in the urine which tints it a dark reddish-brown.

It wasn't until I went into labor at the dinner table after church one Sunday afternoon that I came to understand what was happening. My father took me to the ER and following a course of morphine and drugs to dilate my plumbing I was able to pass a stone into a strainer on the spot. It was quite the ordeal, but I was lucky.

The pain associated with kidney stones comes when the jagged little rocks decide to migrate from the kidney and get lodged in the ureter - a little tube that runs from the kidney to the bladder. Some describe the pain akin to that of childbirth, although women who've had them say it's worse. One fellow claims to have been shot in each leg with a .45 caliber bullet and it was nothing compared to kidney stones.

Flash forward to February 7, 2009. I had been passing traces of blood but had attributed it to other health issues. When I awoke early that morning that intense, unabating lower flank pain was knocking at my door and knocking hard. You break into a cold sweat, uncontrolled shivers, nausea - oh yeah, I was going into labor and knew what was happening this time. Marnie took me to the ER where all I wanted were drugs to take the pain away. They seemed to take their sweet time but eventually I found some relief. They took some pictures, didn't find anything, and sent me home a few hours later with a prescription for hydrocodone and a $1000 bill - after insurance.

Weeks went by and I sensed I had passed the stone through the ureter but it was now floating around in my bladder. You know it's there by the intermittent sensation of someone poking you in the nether regions with an ice pick. Not comfortable but I'll take it over the stones' upstream trek any day. That's when I started researching on the internet how to get rid of these evil little bast**ds. There are several home remedies out there and I generally view that kind of stuff with a jaundiced eye. But there was one that people consistently reported as being effective - not 100% for everyone but a success rate too high to ignore. I tried a couple of "doses" and within about a week I passed the stone effortlessly.

Feb. 2009 stone
Shortly after that I scheduled an appointment with my urologist (who is in another city as I don't have a lot of faith in the medical community here). He took some pics and spotted a stone in the opposite kidney. There's no telling when it would rear it's ugly head - just a matter of time.

Fast forward again to January 2011. A little over a week ago I noticed I was passing traces of blood. I couldn't be sure of the source. On Saturday the 22nd I passed a lot of blood and sensed some vague left flank pain but couldn't be sure it wasn't related to the regular back pain I experience periodically.  By Sunday or Monday I noticed those ice pick sensations in the nether regions and concluded I probably had a stone that had moved to the bladder. On Tuesday I picked up the ingredients for my home remedy and downed a dose that day and on Wednesday. I'll explain what it is later. On Thursday I skipped the dose and tried something called Chanca Piedra - translated means stone breaker. Its a plant based remedy from South America. More on that later too. Friday morning (today) I effortlessly gave birth to this little darling:

Jan. 2011 stone
I still have some vague but minor left flank pain so I'm not sure if I'm done for now. The stone the doc spotted two years ago was on the right. I can't be positive about which kidney this one came from - but I'm glad it's out. Each one has been approximately 4 mm in size.

How to get rid of a kidney stone (or what worked for me)

Most docs will just tell you to drink lots of water and take an over the counter pain reliever. If the stone gets stuck somewhere or you complain long enough, then they'll go in and extract or break it up into smaller pieces so you can pass them.

You can read about the home remedy I found here which includes over 200 testimonials from folks who found success with it. The remedy, or cocktail as I like to call it, calls for two ounces of lemon juice mixed with two ounces of olive oil. It sounds a little disgusting and it kinda is. But if you chug it down and don't 'stop to smell the roses' you'll be left with a brief, oily aftertaste that's manageable. After a few minutes you should follow this with a couple of 16 glasses of water. Within an hour you'll have the urge to tinkle - probably several times - and soon things will flow clear as you flush your kidney's out.

Some claim relief or actual passing of the stone with one dose. For others it takes more. The theory is that the lemon juice changes the pH level in the urine and promotes a breakdown of the stone. The olive oil? Probably for lubrication. Could I have passed the stone without the remedy? Most likely, eventually. Did I pass it sooner with the remedy? I'm going to say, yes!

Last Monday, while doing more research, I came across the Chanca Piedra. You can read about it here and here. It's interesting. Again, I generally don't buy into holistic medicine but I'm sure there are a lot of things found in this world that we don't fully understand outside of traditional western medicine. I ordered the supplement here which also has some information and reviews on it. (I used promo code: BIT806 for a $5 discount). It arrived on Thursday (yesterday) which is when I took it. Added to water it tastes a little like prune juice. It would be a miracle if the Chanca Piedra contributed to my passing the stone today, so for now I'll reserve judgement.

Anyway, this is my tale - and I'm stickin' with it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Gifts

My sisters will understand this as I've been wanting one since our girls weekend in Olympia. So guess what my wonderful husband made it for me. My family thinks I'm crazy but I just love it & I'm still decorating it. Thank you Preston. You all have to have one of these. I'm using it as my motivational board for 2011. That's the first time I've typed the new year. Weird! Great memories on this photo board. I'm in the process of adding more pics & sayings to the board as well as special magnets that are just beautiful. Had to share. Hope it inspires you too! My next run is the Wenatchee Marathon Relay or 10K then Seattle Rock n Roll June 25, 2011. I'm becoming a runner!

Two different angles because the hallway is so narrow can't take one straight on. Love it! Tell me what you think. I can think of other uses & ways to decorate it. I'm just getting started. Thanks again to my wonderful, thoughtful, husband! And I must say thank you to everyone who is on this board for making all this possible. What incredible memories!