"President Joseph F. Smith spoke of Mothers with the highest reverence. His own mother faithfully took her family in a long journey after a mob attacked Nauvoo. Joseph talked about his mother’s sacrifice, saying, "Do you not think these things make an impression upon the mind? Do you think I can forget the example of my mother? No; her faith and example will ever be bright in my memory. What do I think! Every breath I breathe, every feeling of my soul rises to God in thankfulness to Him that my mother was a Saint, that she was a woman of God, pure and faithful, and that she would suffer poverty and distress in the wilderness and try to hold her family together rather than remain in Babylon. That is the spirit which imbued her and her children. Would not her children be unworthy of such a mother did they not hearken to and follow her example? Therefore I say God bless the mothers in Israel."
His Mother’s faith is something that hugely influenced the future prophet. I think the most important part of that is to listen to her and follow her example. Mother is there to teach us. My own mother has taught me to work hard, how to make crepes, and of all lessons, she teaches faith. One thing my mother teaches by example is to attend church every Sunday- which seems simple, but it’s really a huge part of strengthening my testimony each week……. Mothers teach so many things. Joseph F. Smith also talks about what he learned from his mother, which we all have learned from ours in one way or another. He says, "In my childhood … I was instructed to believe in the divinity of the mission of Jesus Christ…. and all my boyhood days and all my years in the world I have clung to that belief; indeed, I have never had any serious dubiety in my mind, even in childhood." Because of his mother’s teachings he was able to go on to be a man of faith, and even the 6th prophet of the church.
In a talk by President Monson, he speaks about four Mothers. Mother forgotten, Mother Remembered, Mother Blessed and Mother Loved. He says Mother Forgotten is observed all too frequently. Mothers and Grandmothers are forgotten when we’re ‘too busy.’ President Monson said, "shame on all who make of a noble woman , Mother forgotten." ….but we can make a Mother forgotten into a Mother Remembered. The well-known scripture of the Stripling Warriors is an example of Mother Remembered. The young men remembered what their Mothers had taught them, and they were able to have the blessings of the Lord upon them. In the NT Jesus sees a widow who has just lost her son. Christ had compassion on her and said, "young man, I say unto thee, Arise…and he that was dead sat up and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother." President Monson said of this that we must have compassion on others like the Savior did, so every mother can be Mother Blessed. Lastly, Mother Loved. The poem, Which Loved Best?, truly exemplifies how we should treat our mothers.
‘I love you mother’ said little john
Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on,
And he was off to the garden swing
And left her the water and wood to bring.
‘I love you mother’ said rosy Nell
‘I love you better than tongue can tell’
Then she teased and pouted full half the day
Till her mother rejoiced when she went out to play.
‘i love you mother’ said little fan;
‘today I’ll help you all I can
How glad I am that school doesn’t keep!
So she rocked the babe till it fell asleep.
Then, stepping softly, she fetched the broom
And swept the floor and tidied the room
Busy and happy all day was she
Helpful and happy as a child could be.
‘I love you mother’ again they all said
Three little children going to bed
How do you think that Mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?
My mom used to say ‘don’t tell me you love me, show me.’ Serving Mother is something we can never do enough of, it’s how we show her how much we love her.
Next to service, another way we can demonstrate that genuine love for Mother is to live the truths she taught. There is nothing a Mother loves more than to see her child happy and safe, which can only be achieved when her children listen and obey her teachings of the Savior and the truthfulness of the gospel.
---I know that being a Mother is a truly a divine role. A Mother’s love is so cherished, so special, because it is so close to the Love of the Savior. I’m so grateful for my Grandma Pen, and Grandma Herrick, and my Ma<3key, and of course my Mom. I love her and am grateful for all that she does for me and all that she’s taught me. Because of her I’m able to say for myself that I know this church is the true church. I have a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith- his mother and his wife were such great examples. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior.
I'm sure you understand why I am so proud of her. What a tribute to all the mother's in her life. I too am grateful to Mom/MaKey. It is hard to express words of appreciation to Mom for a life filled with service, sacrifice, unconditional love, etc. Like Whitney said I hope that I show you Mom that I love you because I certainly don't say it often enough.
Not the best pic but is cute nonetheless. We took it of ourselves while goofing around in the kitchen making dinner. I love the opportunity I've been given to be a mother. It's not always easy but it's definitely worth it. Sweet tender mercies. Happy Mother's day!
What a lucky mom to hear her daughter give such a neat talk on mother's day. The YW in our ward that spoke shared that same poem.
Hope you had a great day. someday I'll post. I'm behind and haven't even posted easter.
Hopefully we'll see you sometime soon.
Beautiful Talk! I am sorry to have missed that, but I would have been a blubbering Mother! The seniors in Staci's ward all spoke & I couldn't keep it together!!! So proud of our Whitney & ALL MY CHILDREN! We thought about you all yesterday & watched the C'mas '94 video that Preston put on DVD for me! Staci's kids wouldn't let us fast forward they wanted to see the whole thing with Whit, Jaelyn, & Jacie being with Santa in 1994! I Have The Best Children In The Whole World!
Thanks for sharing! Beautiful talk by Whit. You have cute kids marnie and they have grown up way to fast!!!!!!
Love ya!
PS thanks for the legos and jewelry, the kids love em!!!
I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry. I know I'm going to fall apart one of these days cuz I've been costantly pushing back the tears. I don't want to face the inevitable!!
I'm so grateful that we've been blessed with such great kids and wonderful parents who started it all! We are so blessed and I count my blessing everyday!
Jaelyn had to speak two years in a row on Mother's Day and finally got this year off, she was so relieved!
I love seeing how they mature and have grown into such beautiful young ladies with so much of life in store!
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